
I've always wondered if I am really one that can embrace change. At times I wish that I could have lived my adult life in one town, raise my kids there and just grow old. But that never happened. In fact, my grandmother used to tell my mom, "that Pam is going to live out of a suitcase one day." I'm not so sure how she came to that conclusion unless it came from my praddling on about how I was going to travel and sing one day. She was so gracious to tolerate me and without really knowing, spoke prophetically about my life.

Doug and I recently returned to Cumberland, MD to pastor a church that he actually was pastor of before, from 1999 to 2007. It's still hard for me to wrap my head around, that we are actually back here for round two. To be honest, my goal was to try and take a church in the south where the weather is warmer and could be a place that we would consider retiring to. The Book of Proverbs talks about our making our own plans but it is God who determines our steps. So when the Cumberland church called, it was very difficult for me to see our coming back as the actual plan of God. But every other door that we approached closed almost immediately. Coming back here for me personally wasn't an easy decision, requiring a great leap of that I wasn't sure I was ready for. But I am glad that we did return, return to see God show His faithfulness to all of us. He always has the greater plan, simply because He really is a good, good Father. I have determined that this time around, I will take my time and allow Him to show me where my place is and just enjoy the journey.

Our son, Kyle also had some major changes in the past few months. He left for the Navy only to be sent home a month later being told that his knee is too damaged for the Navy to invest in. He is currently trying to find his place and purpose and has taken on the challenge. Our daughter Kacy has decided to leave Florida Southern and transfer to Frostburg State University and commute from home. She feels compelled to be here out of excitement of what God is doing and going to do in our church. I literally went from an empty nest, to one that is completely full again and I am embracing the change.

I don't know what changes you might be facing but I do know that you can trust our God to see you through them and maybe end up enjoying the journey of a life time. You can trust Him...plain and simple.